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To volunteer, please login to your account and click on the VOLUNTEER tab.

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Byrd HSA

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Byrd HSA


Byrd HSA

New Idea Submission


The Richard E. Byrd School Home and School Association (H.S.A.) is an independent 501(c) 3 non-profit, fundraising organization comprised of parents, teachers, staff and administration who volunteer their time, talents, and enthusiasm to achieve the organization’s mission.   The H.S.A. operates under bylaws and its goal is to support and enhance the work of the school staff and the Board of Education in providing support for the growth, education, development and enrichment of our children. The H.S.A. relies entirely on dedicated volunteers to plan, fundraise and run programs that enhance the educational and physical environment of Byrd School.
Whether you have a single hour in a single day/evening or the entire school year, there is an opportunity to participate in your child’s school.  We welcome new ideas, new energy, and any comments or suggestions that will facilitate our objectives!

Student Absences

 Please email


by 9AM to report an absence.

Important District Links

Glen Rock Public Schools Website

Glen Rock Public Schools Calendar 2024-25

Glen Rock Federated HSA Website

School lunches can be ordered online from the Pomptonian website
A monthly menu can be found here



Glen Rock Federated HSA Online Directory 



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